About This Video
April is School Library Month. The video class at Innovation Academy in collaboration with Media and Educational Technology Instructors (METIs) across the district created this video to celebrate how media centers in Fulton County Schools are places where students can engage in reading and innovative learning activities that help them become creative communicators, global collaborators, and knowledge constructors.
Viewed 17 timesTags
Safari Montage / District WAN Manager / Home / Pre-K / Kindergarten / 1st Grade / 2nd Grade / 3rd Grade / 4th Grade / 5th Grade / 6th Grade / 7th Grade / 8th Grade / 9th Grade / 10th Grade / 11th Grade / 12th Grade / Adult / Media Center / School Library / Literacy / Creativity / Instructional Technology
Teams Overview ENG
Safari Montage / District WAN Manager / 2nd Grade / 1st Grade / Kindergarten / 3rd Grade / 4th Grade / 5th Grade / Pre-K / Adult / 7th Grade / 8th Grade / 6th Grade / 10th Grade / 11th Grade / 12th Grade / 9th Grade
Introduction to Microsoft Teams for Parent...
Safari Montage / District WAN Manager / 2nd Grade / 1st Grade / Kindergarten / 3rd Grade / 4th Grade / 5th Grade / Pre-K / Adult / 7th Grade / 8th Grade / 6th Grade / 10th Grade / 11th Grade / 12th Grade / 9th Grade
01 WWPK Feb 10
Safari Montage / District WAN Manager / 2nd Grade / 1st Grade / Kindergarten / 3rd Grade / 4th Grade / 5th Grade / Pre-K / Adult / 7th Grade / 8th Grade / 6th Grade / 10th Grade / 11th Grade / 12th Grade / 9th Grade
Parent Teams Training - ENG
Safari Montage / District WAN Manager / 2nd Grade / 1st Grade / Kindergarten / 3rd Grade / 4th Grade / 5th Grade / Pre-K / Adult / 7th Grade / 8th Grade / 6th Grade / 10th Grade / 11th Grade / 12th Grade / 9th Grade
FCS Launchpad Introduction
Safari Montage / District WAN Manager / 2nd Grade / 1st Grade / Kindergarten / 3rd Grade / 4th Grade / 5th Grade / Pre-K / Adult / 7th Grade / 8th Grade / 6th Grade / 10th Grade / 11th Grade / 12th Grade / 9th Grade
Joel thumbnail test 5_26_2020
Safari Montage / District WAN Manager / 2nd Grade / 1st Grade / Kindergarten / 3rd Grade / 4th Grade / 5th Grade / Pre-K / Adult / 7th Grade / 8th Grade / 6th Grade / 10th Grade / 11th Grade / 12th Grade / 9th Grade
Introduction to Microsoft Teams for Parent...
Safari Montage / District WAN Manager / 2nd Grade / 1st Grade / Kindergarten / 3rd Grade / 4th Grade / 5th Grade / Pre-K / Adult / 7th Grade / 8th Grade / 6th Grade / 10th Grade / 11th Grade / 12th Grade / 9th Grade
I've come too far to quit
Safari Montage / District WAN Manager / 2nd Grade / 1st Grade / Kindergarten / 3rd Grade / 4th Grade / 5th Grade / Pre-K / Adult / 7th Grade / 8th Grade / 6th Grade / 10th Grade / 11th Grade / 12th Grade / 9th Grade
Sharing with STREAM
Safari Montage / District WAN Manager / 2nd Grade / 1st Grade / Kindergarten / 3rd Grade / 4th Grade / 5th Grade / Pre-K / Adult / 7th Grade / 8th Grade / 6th Grade / 10th Grade / 11th Grade / 12th Grade / 9th Grade
Teams Assignments and Calendars ENG
Safari Montage / District WAN Manager / 2nd Grade / 1st Grade / Kindergarten / 3rd Grade / 4th Grade / 5th Grade / Pre-K / Adult / 7th Grade / 8th Grade / 6th Grade / 10th Grade / 11th Grade / 12th Grade / 9th Grade
Internet Safety and Device Care for Elemen...
Safari Montage / District WAN Manager / 2nd Grade / 1st Grade / Kindergarten / 3rd Grade / 4th Grade / 5th Grade / Pre-K / Adult / 7th Grade / 8th Grade / 6th Grade / 10th Grade / 11th Grade / 12th Grade / 9th Grade
Infinite Campus
Safari Montage / District WAN Manager / 2nd Grade / 1st Grade / Kindergarten / 3rd Grade / 4th Grade / 5th Grade / Pre-K / Adult / 7th Grade / 8th Grade / 6th Grade / 10th Grade / 11th Grade / 12th Grade / 9th Grade
- Abbott's Hill Elementary
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- Academics Division
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- Alpharetta Elementary
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- Alpharetta High
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- Asa Hilliard Elementary
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- Autrey Mill Middle
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- Banneker High
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- Barnwell Elementary
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- Bear Creek Middle
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- Bethune Elementary
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- Birmingham Falls Elementary
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- Brookview Elementary
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- Cambridge High
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- Camp Creek Middle
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- Campbell Elementary
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- Centennial High
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- Chattahoochee High
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- Cliftondale Elementary
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- Cogburn Woods Elementary
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- College Park ES
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- Conley Hills Elementary
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- Crabapple Crossing Elementary
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- Crabapple Middle
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- Creek View Elementary
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- Creekside High
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- District
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- Dolvin Elementary
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- Dunwoody Springs Elementary
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- Elkins Pointe Middle
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- Esther Jackson Elementary
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- Evoline C. West Elementary
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- Feldwood Elementary
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- Findley Oaks Elementary
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- Gullatt Elementary
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- Hamilton E. Holmes Elementary
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- Hapeville Elementary
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- Haynes Bridge Middle
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- Heards Ferry Elementary
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- Hembree Springs Elementary
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- High Point Elementary
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- Hillside Elementary School
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- Holcomb Bridge Middle
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- Hopewell MS
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- Independence High
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- Ison Springs Elementary
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- Johns Creek High
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- Lake Forest Elementary
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- Lake Windward Elementary
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- Langston Hughes High
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- Liberty Point Elementary
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- Love T. Nolan Elementary
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- Manning Oaks Elementary
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- McClarin High School
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- McNair Middle
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- Medlock Bridge Elementary
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- Milton High
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- Mountain Park Elementary
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- New Prospect Elementary
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- North Springs High
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- Northview High
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- Northwestern Middle
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- Northwood Elementary
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- Oakley Elementary
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- Ocee Elementary
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- Palmetto Elementary
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- Parklane Elementary
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- Paul D. West Middle
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- Randolph Elementary
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- Renaissance Elementary
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- Renaissance Middle
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- Ridgeview Middle
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- River Eves Elementary
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- River Trail Middle
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- Riverwood High
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- Roswell High
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- Roswell North Elementary
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- S L Lewis Elementary
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- Sandtown Middle
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- Sandy Springs Middle
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- Seaborn Lee Elementary
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- Shakerag Elementary
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- Spalding Drive Elementary
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- State Bridge Crossing Elementary
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- Stonewall Tell Elementary
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- Summit Hill Elementary
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- Sweet Apple Elementary
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- Taylor Road Middle
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- Teaching and Learning
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- Tri Cities High
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- Vanguard
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- Vickery Mill ES
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- Webb Bridge Middle
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- Westlake High
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- Wilson Creek Elementary
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- Wolf Creek ES
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- Woodland Elementary
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- Woodland Middle School
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